Coming Soon for November!

Hello Dear Viewers!

October has been and gone, which means it’s time for another look at what I’m going to be working on over the coming weeks.

Firstly I’m excited to be continuing the Star Wars Legion painting series by painting both the Rebel Troopers as well as the awesome AT-RT!  This will complete the Rebel faction which means I will soon be starting work on the Imperials.

Also this month I will be completing the Zombicide Black Plague core box by painting the last of the heroes – Samson.  Although I’m sure I’ll be covering some of the expansion minis for Black Plague at some point, it sure will feel good to have the core box finished!

As usual there are far more games I want to paint than I have time for but rest assured  I haven’t forgotten about Blood Rage or Descent, and I’m also looking forward to receiving my 1.5 upgrade for Kingdom Death Monster…

Finally, as mentioned in my recent channel update video – I just wanted to repeat the news that due to popular demand I have released an album of music called “Starborn” which features 25 tracks written for the Star Wars Imperial Assault painting series.

I’m very grateful for the kind reception the album has had so far and it pleases me to imagine the music being enjoyed during your painting or gaming sessions!  The album can be streamed or purchased from all major digital platforms including those linked to below.

Thanks for following my humble updates, and happy painting!


“Starborn” album on Spotify

“Starborn” album on iTunes

“Starborn” album on Bandcamp

“Starborn” album on Googleplay

“Starborn” album on Amazon


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